The Fort Myers Beach Woman’s Club Clubhouse
When a group of men and women come together, share a spirit of resiliency, they realize the possibilities are endless.
It is our goal to create a home for all which embraces our past and is a tribute to our future island.
“What a blessing. Our needs were overwhelming and immediate. Thank you to the Woman’s Club for extending a helping hand to so many locals. And without “Red Tape.” It lifted my spirits! Thank you.”
— Diane LaBonte
“You have no idea how much I appreciated the $500 you gave me after Hurricane Ian. It was heaven sent and the Woman’s Club helped me through one of the hardest times in my life.”
— Nancy Bartel
“Everyone lost everything. As we all began pulling together, helping each other, sharing information.
I heard of the Fort Myers Beach Woman’s Club giving out $500 gift cards to FMB residents to help with their loss and recovery. I can not put into words how much that touched me. At a time of such loss, someone was reaching out. All I could think,if it touched me like this, what did it do for everyone else? The thought filled my heart and put a smile on my face. I had to be part of this organization! I wanted to be part of making a difference in someone’s life.”
— Mary Ellen Capuano
“The Woman’s Club of Fort Myers Beach has been a steadfast supporter of our community’s educational endeavors. Their generous donations have significantly bolstered Fort Myers Beach Elementary’s academic programs, particularly in the areas of robotics and other STEM initiatives. Additionally, their provision of a large storage unit has been invaluable, ensuring that our instructional and operational assets are securely housed and readily accessible. We are profoundly grateful for their unwavering commitment to enhancing the educational experiences of our Beach School students.”
— Fort Myers Beach Elementary School,
Principal Dr. Traci Kohler
Rebuilding for a Stronger Community
The Fort Myers Beach Woman’s Club – a 501C3 Organization – was organized by a group of community minded women in 1950 to benefit the residents of Fort Myers Beach through philanthropic activities.
The Woman’s Club became instrumentally involved with the beautification, gardening and cleaning up of the beach.
Other activities introduced to the club included; dry flower arranging, bridge lessons, knitting, shell work, ceramics, forming a book club and guest speakers informing about local topics regarding the beach. The Club was an integral part of Fort Myers Beach history and was a life force for the island.
In 2018, a group of women decided to place more emphasis on the Club as many members were no longer with us and the Club had slowly started to die out. The goal was to create a place where people could meet other island residents, as
The mission of the Woman’s Club is to support educational and recreational activities for non-profit, charitable and community organizations operating within the greater Fort Myers Beach community
The Fort Myers Beach Woman’s Club has a 501c3 status, EIN 59-6133785.
well as, support the philanthropic events and groups which were active in the Fort Myers Beach Community.
The historic Woman’s Club clubhouse was the island’s first schoolhouse, dance hall, and community meeting space. In 2019, membership tripled and the club obtained its non-profit charter. The Alliance was created, a coalition of all non-profits, so that each could have representation in our small community, and it was the goal to find ways to work together to be more successful.
Today, the Woman’s Club has monthly educational and community programs for its members. It develops and hosts numerous fundraisers, and supports many local businesses – all in keeping in line with our mission of working together.
The Historic Clubhouse – Gone But Not Forgotten
Built in 1938 as the second beach schoolhouse, the clubhouse ran as a school until 1948 until it no longer could house all the island children. The historic building served as a remembrance to the Estero Island architecture. Throughout the past 82 years, it has weathered many storms, but sadly, we lost this treasure on September 28th, 2022 to Hurricane Ian. Our beloved historic schoolhouse was ripped off its foundation, and the Women’s Club was left with a beautiful slice of land, but no home.
At that time we did not focus on our clubhouse, but rather, we shifted our efforts 100% to helping those in need on Fort Myers Beach.
After months of planning and researching different options to rebuild, we have finally created a plan that we feel the Woman’s Club can achieve. We would be one of the very few places where one could rent the building for educational, social, or community events.
This endeavor will take many of us working together to bring our vision to reality. Our resilience and determination after Hurricane Ian proved that our Woman’s Club CAN move mountains and will continue to make a difference.
Rebuilding for a Better Community
We are designing our clubhouse with a true community spirit! We encourage nonprofits to use our facility as their office and storage space and a place where they can hold their events.
We also invite residents to hold community or personal gatherings, and educational events for local business. The possibilities are endless. As a 501C3 organization, your donation could be tax deductible. (Check with your tax advisor for more details.)
To learn more about how you can
with a gift that keeps on giving, click below or contact us at:
The Fort Myers Beach Woman’s Club has a 501c3 status, EIN 59-6133785.
In Our Community
We are proud to list our achievements since Hurricane Ian
- In October of 2022, we created the “33931 Fund” where 1,462 MasterCard gift cards of $500 apiece were sent out totaling $731,000. Each went directly to residents who reside in the 33931 zip code beach community.
- $20,000 was given to Beach Baptist Church for their daily Hurricane Ian relief meal program.
- $10,000 was given to Cultivating Hope for their daily Hurricane Ian meal program.
- $47,500 was given to FMB Strong at 820 Buttonwood to assist with their large item wish list for Ian relief and also assist the shrimper community.
- $34,000 was given to the Beach School.
- We facilitated and ran the 2023 Fort Myers Beach Easter Egg Hunt.
- April 2023, we launched and coordinated a Pub Passport program to support local restaurants.
- December 2022 and 2023, we hosted our annual Christmas Tree Festival, which raised over $42,000 for local charities.
- January 2024, the infamous Putt & Pub raised over $55,000 for 10 local non-profits.
- April 2024, we launched the 2nd Pub Passport to bring additional business to our local restaurants.
- December 2024 and January 2025, we raised over $110,000 in our annual Christmas Tree Festival and Putt and Pub. These funds were distributed between the participating island nonprofits.
Opportunities are Endless
Your Donation to the Fort Myers Beach Woman’s Club Clubhouse will leave a lasting legacy. Your contribution to this living memorial honors your community spirit and your support will be a gift that keeps on giving. There are many opportunities and levels of giving, and your donation will be instrumental in helping reshape one of the mid-island’s beloved landmark.

Have your name memorialized on our Honor Bar – $1,000

Have your name on our Cornerstone Builders stairs – $5,000
Above links are for single purchases. For multiple medallions or stairs email us at
To learn more about how you can
with a gift that keeps on giving, click below or contact us at:
The Fort Myers Beach Woman’s Club 501C3 non-profit: 59-6133785 The mission of the Woman’s Club is to support educational and recreational activities for non-profit and charitable organizations operating within the greater Fort Myers Beach community.